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Pregnancy Tips: Take Care Your Pregnancy

Stress and pregnancy

One of the most important gift that a pregnant woman can give to her unborn child is a clear mind, the calm and a relaxed body. All this because your baby receive chemical messages through the blood vessels of the placenta. So everything you feel during pregnancy will be felt by your baby to. If you fell anger or you are upset, your baby will feel the same, will became hyperactive and the risk of miscarriage will increase.

Due to multiple changes that appear during pregnancy, the woman is very often predisposed to stress. A lot of studies have found a link between the stress felt by the pregnant woman and the consequences to the unborn child. The cause which can be responsible for the repercussions on the child, is related to the level of cortisone. These increases proportionally with the level of stress experienced by women and jump to the fetus through the placenta.

The children who have been exposed during pregnancy to a high level of cortisone have a low IQ, hyperactivity and anxiety.

Some tips to reduce stress
  • Think positive , be relaxed and optimistic. It is good to keep in touch with your doctor and if you have any worries you should ask him. In that way you would now everything about what is going to happen and so you will be more relaxed.
  •   Do the things that you like more: go for short walks, listen some good music, chill music is very indicated because it relax both you and the baby, go shopping, make yourself beauty.
  • You will feel all the time tired so it is good to rest when you feel the need to do this.
  • Tell your partner what you feel. Read about the changes that take place, about life in three if it is the first pregnancy. Tell him about your fears and try to solve them.
  • Try to see the beautiful part of being pregnant, not only to focus on the bad moments .Speak to your child, comfort him, be a happy future mother. In that way you will be healthy both physical and mental, and your child will be the most loved in the world.

Anxiety during pregnancy

Pregnancy is a delicate period for any woman, and specific hormonal changes that occur during pregnancy increase the sensitivity of the pregnant woman, she  becomes more sensitive and all her feelings are more pronounced. Thus, pregnant women is more sensitive and more vulnerable in the face of stress, behavior may change from time to time, feeling anxiety and depression become more pronounced .

Behavioral disorders during pregnancy consist especially  in anxiety, depression and sudden changes of emotional state. Although some of these changes go unnoticed in the initial stage is attributed to the moods”, however it is important that a pregnant woman to be careful and  not have mental health issues, not just physical, the mental states may also influence physical health status. Medical studies have revealed for instance that anxiety increases the risk of spontaneous abortion or premature birth, so is depression, including the behavior during pregnancy affects babys life after birth. Other studies have conduct disorders in children whose mothers have suffered from anxiety during pregnancy, such as hyperactivity and decreased concentration and memory after 4 years.

How to detect behavioral problems?
Sudden change in mental states and emotional sensitivity are normal in pregnancy but stressed to a limit. Is it normal to be scared, can easily cause depression of numerous factors that have changed due to lifestyle and body changes that occur during pregnancy, but in certain circumstances should pay more attention to all these physiological changes:
  • Repeated insomnia on consecutive evenings of sleep disorders
  • Panic attacks with feeling of suffocation, end or even the feeling of a heart attack
  • A state of worry for both your health and the unborn child birth
  • Nothing seems fun,  you only stay in the house
  • It is hard to focus
  • Emotional instability .
Things that you should do to overcome the anxiety
A very important aspect is the ability to tell your partner what you feel, what are your thoughts and your worries. You don’t have to go by yourself through all this changes. The support, love and understanding from your partner will help you to see how beautiful is this period and how happy you will be when you will hold your baby in your arms. The secret to feel better is a positive attitude   but also the love and care from the ones closer to you. You don’t have to forget that your partner could feel  anxiety ,because is a change for him too, so you are not alone in this.

What do we have to /not to eat

During pregnancy, more than ever a woman should have a healthy and balanced diet . Over half of pregnant women, there was a marked stimulation of appetite, which usually starts at the beginning of the second quarter and held until the end of pregnancy, sometimes diminishing in recent months.
The frequent changes in tastes found at pregnant women, is the preference for fruit, pickles, salted foods, spices

The key to proper nutrition during pregnancy is balance and variety. Healthy diet should include foods from all food groups: fruits, vegetables, cereals, meat, dairy. It is preferred the dining in small amounts but more than once a day, only a few tables and rich, because in this way relieves nausea and characteristic early pregnancy and avoid over nutrition.

The consumption per day should include:
  1. Cereal: 8 servings ( a slice of whole wheat bread, one cup of cereal, half cup of pasta or rice)
  2. Vegetables: 4 or more servings (two links of carrots, a cup of shredded vegetables, one cup of cooked broccoli or cauliflower)
  3. Fruits: 2-4 servings (a small apple, orange, pear or banana or a cup of raisins)
  4. Dairy: 3 servings (250-300 ml of milk or yogurt or a 50 g of cheese)
  5. Pork, beef, chicken or fish, eggs, nuts or seeds: 2-3 servings (beef or pork ,cooked poultry or seafood).
  6. Fats, oils and sweets: very little

FOOD NOT recommended in pregnancy
  1. Meat: pork, beef, chicken, fish and eggs or insufficiently cooked or raw.
  2. Fast food
  3. Swordfish, shark, catfish, mackerel, tuna. Disadvantaged are of methyl-mercury, a harmful metal increases brain and nervous system of the child.
  4. Un pasteurized milk
  5. Some types of milk and cheeses such as feta cheese, brie, Roquefort, etc..;
  6. Pasta, canned meat or refreeze.
  7. Un pasteurized juices
  8. Vegetables picked green
  9. Herbal nutritional supplements
  10. Non-drinking water or untested.
  11. Foods that contain peanuts, strawberries etc.
  12. Alcohol, smoking, drugs

Take Care Your hair, the skin, the nails

Pregnancy is a delicate time for your body. Because hormones and their action is intense, the skin suffers. Do not be overwhelmed by worry and do not let you say that you are the mother and doesn’t matter how you look. It is a totally wrong idea. Although some beauty gestures are prohibited, such epilating with wax and dyeing hair, you must not neglect the way you look. Find out how you can prevent certain beauty problems that occur during pregnancy.

Careful, sensitive skin!
During pregnancy, skin becomes more sensitive, so you have to use mild soap and cleaning products that do not contain soda. Dermatologists usually recommend to replace soap and bubble bath liquid soap, with shower gel and lavender oil. You will clean the skin without an aggressive action .
To enhance the benefits of hygiene and mild products to prevent redness and irritation, generously apply lotion daily to the body, from head to toe. Choose those hypoallergenic body care products. You can buy from the pharmacy products for sensitive skin.

The hair.
If your hair is dry and is easy to split peaks, you should use a light shampoo indicated for sensitive hair and conditioner with regenerative action. Attention! Do not brush too often or too vigorously, because Emphasize damage. Avoid using too often hair dryer, electric hair curlers, apparatus of tension or wavy hair. Try not to apply generally very hot air near the head. Dry or damaged hair should be dried naturally. To prevent the occurrence or aggravation of problems, diet is important. It must be assumed daily consumption of foods rich in protein, carotene, essential fatty acids, iron, silicon, zinc, vitamin B (biotin), C and E.

Beautiful and healthy nails
Also during pregnancy, you can find some problem with the nail.
It happens that they become thin, brittle, to puff, to crack or to break more easily than usual.
For the nails to keep them beautiful and healthy, you must increase the intake of vitamin A, drinking carrot juice and eating more eggs, milk and liver. You have to consume three servings of fatty fish a week and possibly a fish oil supplement for omega-3 fatty acid.

Pregnancy disorders

Organic disorders during pregnancy are normal, but not required, excepting the women who have a sickness, because  the body transformation process of evolution  of the fetus began , since the union of sperm-egg cell. It is obvious  the concern in the first phase, because  physical and mental states are completely new and unusual but not abnormal! Such concern should not be exaggerated compared to the moments of discomfort, Deep visits to the doctor some even unjustified.

Do not forget! Pregnancy is not a disease! is a normal period through billions of women have to go Most states give psychiatric complications and internal conflicts  and acute organic predisposing to all sorts of problems.  For the physician you are  like any patient. Youre the one who can overcome the attitude and consciously, every emotional imbalance, any form should dress.

It is started  to put great emphasis on the technical investigation, the analysis, the only scientific observations at the expense of a close relationship mother-fetus at the expense of their own observations, self-discovery, intuition, internal perception etc..

Look with optimism and joy the whole event. Each pregnancy  itself is a unique moment in life and an important opportunity to spend more time with  you  to explore, to understand you, marking the mental and emotional maturity stage, experiencing the truly selfless and unconditional love. The chance for women to become better, more patient, more loving, wiser most beautiful and harmonious default.

Many women are in this vital period more , stronger, healthier and more beautiful than ever. It is not required to manifest phenomena  of pregnancy generally peaceful and malaise morning with vomiting, dizziness, loss of balance, weight gain complexion, even acne or swollen feet, circulatory disorders, bladder and kidney disorders, painful breasts , dry hair, loss of calcium and more.

And again, remember, not to pay exaggerate attention to the specific changes in this period and to the fears of specific disorders of pregnancy  that give  much more stress to the mother rather to the baby, who is very protected and safe place in the uterus.

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